
What does the Almoner do?

On behalf of the club, the Almoner gets in touch with members who might appreciate a message of condolence or support or congratulations. This contact could be a phone call, an email, a card or perhaps a visit.
People who might appreciate such a contact could be experiencing an illness; perhaps they are in hospital; they may be suffering bereavement or other grief; or they may have experienced a disabling event.
On the other hand, the Committee would also like to send a message of congratulations to members for their 90th birthday, 60th wedding anniversary, or significant achievement such as being named in the New Year or Kings's Birthday Honours lists. Please let Colin Williams know.

Who lets the Almoner know?

Any member could contact the Almoner on behalf of another member, or a spouse or friend could make contact on the member's behalf.

Key among members who could pass information on to the Almoner are the interest group convenors. If you pick up the sort of information above, or maybe the member has been away, and you are concerned, please contact the Almoner.

Here is Colin's contact information, 027 270138