This was first posted last year and we are posting it here again as we prepare for the Omicron outbreak. Some of our members are concerned about what to do if they have contracted a mild case of Covid 19 and are being cared for at home.
Firstly, to prevent infection the advice is to be vaccinated, wear a mask, keep a 1-2m social distance, hand sanitise and use the COVID tracer scan. Secondly, the symptoms of Covid to watch out for include:
a cough
a high temperature (at least 37.5˚C) – the normal temperature range is 36.5 – 37.0˚C
shortness of breath
a sore throat
sneezing and runny nose
temporary loss of smell and taste
muscle aches
If you have any of these symptoms contact your GP or call Healthline on 0800 358 5453.
Please make sure you get tested for COVID-19 if your GP recommends it.
Thirdly, check out the Ministry of Health webpage on the care on COVID 19 infected people at home:
Health officials are also monitoring home patients.
Fourthly, an Auckland based GP Dr Sandhya Ramanathan has made a video on the home medical management of a mild Covid 19 infection.
Click on the link and skip the advertisement:
A summary of the information in the video
Dr Ramanathan recommendations for the home management of a mild COVID infection are:
- Use a pulse oximeter which measures the pulse and levels of oxygen saturation in the blood. The normal level of oxygen saturation is between 95-100%. If it is below 93%, seek urgent medical advice. A pulse oximeter may be given to people with COVID isolating at home by the Ministry of Health.
- Prime the immune system. Continue normal healthy eating, including colourful fresh vegetables and fruit, stay hydrated, and at the first sign of infection, take supplements of zinc, and vitamins D and C.
- Reduce the viral load. When a mild COVID infection starts, use gargles, nasal sprays, sinus rinses and steam inhalations to reduce the viral load in the nasal passages and throat three times a day. The ingredients recommended are cooled boiled water, salt, bicarbonate of soda, and the anti-viral and anti-bacterial treatment called Betadine (available from chemists). The details of how to make and use them are given in the video. Using Vicks Vapour rub for steam inhalations is also recommended.
- Do breathing exercises. The first breathing exercise is to breathe out for 3 counts, hold your breath for 3 counts, breathe in for 3 counts, hold your breath for 3 counts.
The second breathing exercise is to blow up a large balloon. Firstly, breathe out as much as you can into the balloon. Take a breath in and blow in to the balloon again and then repeat. The blowing against the resistance created by the balloon increases the blood oxygen saturation. An easier alternative is blowing bubbles into water.
The main New Zealand COVID 19 information site is:
About COVID-19
Vaccine questions answered
The Covid-19 traffic light system explained.
Alison Fagan and the Committee