Being a distance grandparent
An excellent interview with Helen Ellis on RNZ is about being a distance parent and grandparent.
“Closed borders have forced many people into long periods apart from loved ones living overseas in the last year or so. Writer and anthropologist Helen Ellis knows all about having geographically scattered relatives – she and her husband have been ‘distance parenting’ for over 30 years and ‘distance grandparenting for 20 of those”. [Being a Distance Grandparent. ‘Nine to Noon, RNZ Thursday July 8th] .
In the interview, Helen addresses some of the issues and struggles of having family so spread out. To listen to the interview, go to:
Information about Helen Ellis can be found on her website:
At the top of her webpage, Helen lists a series of drop-down menus which contain useful information. For example, in the resources menu, Helen lists many ways to communicate with family overseas, and in particular, grandchildren:
One suggestion for long distance grandparenting is the family quiz: