Happy birthday Mr Shakespeare
Our 21 April 2021 speaker was Associate Professor Mark Houlahan, University of Waikato, speaking on the topic of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s birth date is traditionally celebrated as April 23rd, 1564, also St George’s Day. So we got in a few days early to celebrate his 457th birthday.
If you missed the April meeting, or wish to follow up on Mark’s talk, a website to go to is that of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, USA. Here is one of their suggestions on how you might celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday 2021, amid COVID-19 lockdowns elsewhere around the world. This link takes you to further links on ‘Romeo and Juliet’: https://www.folger.edu/shakespeare-birthday-party-at-home/romeo-and-juliet
Mark recommended their podcast series, which can be found at:
Each of the more than 160 podcasts has an audio recording and written transcript of an interview with a Shakespearean pundit.
Here is a sample to tempt you:
• ‘Books and Reading in Shakespeare’s England’
• ‘Women performers in Shakespeare’s Time’
• ‘Ophelia’
Enjoy your Shakespeare ☺