This exhibition works by Dick Frizzell, Neil Frazer and Lisa Reihana (her work was chosen for the relatively recent Venice Biennale exhibition and was widely acclaimed) and Yuki Kihara who will be representing NZ in the next Venice Biennale.
Review by James Dignan in The Otago Daily Times, ‘Art Seen’, 23 April
‘‘Inside and Out’’ is an extensive virtual exhibition, ostensibly at Milford Galleries Queenstown. It contains numerous works divided into several ‘‘walls’’, each of which is based around a central theme. The titular ‘‘inside’’ and ‘‘out’’, in their most literal
forms, are represented well by works from the likes of Graham Fletcher and Neil Dawson (inside), and Dick Frizzell and Neil Frazer (outside). However, it is the more metaphoric meanings of the terms which dominate. Themes range from cultural identity to the dichotomy of reality and imagination. Together, the works expand on the theme of the opposites which shape our daily lives: dark and light, waking and dreaming, possible and impossible. Works by Andy Leleisi’uao and Michael Hight display an inner dream language, and the works in Gallery Two (wall one) all deal with the symbolism of the animal, often with the subtext of its representation of our inner primal state. Many of the central works in the exhibition are by Yuki Kihara and Lisa Reihana, two artists who use the photographic image to constantly address the line walked between tribal past and multicultural present. Kihara’s Maui Descending a Staircase II is particularly eye-catching in its reworking of Duchamp’s seminal painting.
With thanks to the Wakatipu U3A at Queenstown for this information