Fraser High School Online Adult Education Classes

Due to the Covid -19 lockdown, the evening classes at Fraser High School for adults are closed but they have developed a series of online courses starting in early May. These adult education courses being offered can be found at: These include painting, bee-keeping, Thai cooking, business management, Chinese, Spanish and Russian languages, accounting, […]

Flu Tracking

The Ministry of Health (in conjunction with its Australian counterpart) is collecting information about the current flu situation in New Zealand. It does this every year and this year, they are also collecting information on Covid-19. You sign up and receive an email each Monday to answer survey queries as to whether you have had […]

Choral Music

The Royal Choral Society UK “In these strange times, closing the Hall’s doors is the best way to look after the world, but we are now opening a (virtual) window for you to experience some of the most talented artists around. Since 1876, members of the Royal Choral Society have made their way to the […]

Ukelele Music

Fancy listening to some ukulele music? Try these: The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra: The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain: Leisa Ray from the the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, in Blackpool , UK Jake Shimabukuro, USA: Lastly, have a try putting ‘ukulele concerts’ in the search box on YouTube and […]

Ukulele Group

Ukulele Group (Uke3A Jam) Each week the Convenor sends out two new pieces for the Ukulele Group to learn on their own. Members are  diligently playing their ukuleles at home and report this helps raise their spirits during this lock-down period. If any U3A member who does not belong to the Ukulele Group, but plays […]